Projects Catalog


Originally built to remedy disabled YouTube comments, Commently is a web app and a Chrome Extension that enables people to comment on any webpage, enabling them to find community and have good times wherever they go, all over the internet.

🏆 Winner at HackNC '21. Awards: Best Entertainment Hack Infosys Best Junior Hacker

Developer tooling: Github Actions

Frontend: Chrome Extensions API React Semantic-UI-React TypeScript

Backend: Firebase Functions (Node.JS) Firebase Authentication Firestore Firebase Hosting Firebase Realtime Database

▶️ See it in action Source (still private)

ContApp is a prototype Android app that allows for a new way to visualize contacts. Traditional contact apps show you a list of people you know in a boring, non-intelligent, alphabetical fashion. But this app makes use of the latest and greatest that the Android SDK has to offer and provides the user with a file-and-folder (heirarchy-based) view to easily view and manage their contacts! I think this app can do really cool things once you have such structured data.

Android (frontend): Android Studio Kotlin MVVM Room Retrofit RecyclerTreeView (3rd party lib)

Backend: Node.JS MongoDB Atlas Express JWT

🖼 Open Gallery Source (still private)
LinkedIn Learning Certifications

I firmly believe that education is my passport to the world, and so I embrace continuing education - it is one of my biggest lifelong ongoing projects. You can take a scroll through the following slides with all of my LinkedIn Learning certifications, or view them on my LinkedIn profile.

Tool(s) used: LinkedIn Learning

Cashflow Statement Creation and Cost/Sales Sensitivity Analysis

As a part of my Entrepreneurship minor, I took up the course "Entrepreneurship: Principles and Practices (ECON 325)" at UNC, through which, I have mastered the art of doing quick, back-of-the-envelope cash-flow statements. As can be observed through my LinkedIn learning certifications above, I have also done a course that goes into the details of Income, Profit/Loss, and Cash flow statements. Here are some of the cashflow statements that I have made in order to demonstrate my skills:

Tool(s) used: Spreadsheets

Adobe XD UI Design Concept - "Newstopia"

Newstopia is a news community app where people can load articles from the internet, and then have civil, moderated discussions about the caliber and credibility of news articles and media channels.

Tool(s) used: Adobe XD

3D Concept Designs - Kiosk and Motorized Surveillance Robot

As a part of my Principles of Entrepreneurship course, I learned and applied rapid prototyping techniques to come up with two 3D designs in Tinkercad. I created first a rough design of a COVID-19-aware Kiosk system, which can perform face and finger recognition, can print tokens to act as a queue manager, and, last but not least, has a sanitizer dispenser (the magenta bottle to the left). Then, I created a rudimentary design for a robot that can perform surveillance via a camera. I believe it can become a great product for facilities where security is essential, such as prisons.

Tool(s) used: Tinkercad

View Kiosk on Tinkercad View Robot on Tinkercad
Infographic on Natural Language Processing

Through the course Data Science in the Business World, offered in Spring 2021 jointly by UNC's Kenan-Flagler Business School and the Department of Computer Science, I have come understand the prominence of unstructured data in the digital world and the potential of Natural Language Processing. Here is an infographic that explains my thoughts in further detail.

Natural Language Processing Infographic
🔎 Click to enlarge
LinkedIn Profile

I joined LinkedIn in late 2017, and have spent years trying to design my profile to leave a great, positive impression on visitors. Here is a snap of my current LinkedIn profile.

My LinkedIn profile
🔎 Click to enlarge View my LinkedIn

I wrote my first resume when I was applying for a university chapter membership back in November 2017. It was shabby and other than my academic achievements and small robotics projects, I did not have much to show. I have worked hard on developing my skillset and establishing myself as a skilled software developer who takes pride in his work, and is constantly on the lookout for learning new things and growing. The following resume is a result of those years of sweat and perseverance.

Open PDF

Samosabucket is an open-source (GPL v3) food delivery web app which is easy (and free) to set up, and handles the full workflow needed to run a basic food delivery service. It was created with small restaurants trying to survive the COVID-19 pandemic in mind.

Tech used: MongoDB Atlas Express.JS React Node.JS Bulma CSS Cloudinary Positionstack Stripe Payments

Demo Source Code
Real-Time Face Mask Detection with MTCNN, PCA and SVM

This was my Fall 2020 COMP562 (Intro to Machine Learning) Project at UNC-Chapel Hill. We used a pre-trained Multi-Task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Network (facenet-pytorch MTCNN) and trained a PCA-SVM pipeline to detect faces in images and then classify them to see whether people in those images are wearing masks.

Dataset: The Face Mask Detection dataset on Kaggle was used -

Tech used: Python Matplotlib OpenCV Pytorch (MTCNN) SciKit Learn (PCA, SVM) Jupyter Notebook

Source Code

MediScan is an Android app that allows the user to take a picture of any on-paper medical record. The user will then highlight areas of typed/handwritten text information to then digitize them into easily-readable spreadsheets by using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) via Google Cloud Vision.

Tech used: Google Cloud Vision Android Studio Java

DevPost   Source Code

Newstopia is a community-based mobile app that allows its users to critically rate articles and have meaningful, civil discussions regarding media trust and article legitimacy. I came up with the idea and then built a prototype along with my friends at HackNC 2019 - it was an iOS prototype app named "TrustMe". The DevPost link to TrustMe is provided below. Much more is coming to the app, and it is being developed privately.

Tech used: Google Cloud Firestore Algolia Xcode Swift

DevPost (Prototype named TrustMe) Source (still private)
Chapel Hill Crime Insights

A dashboard that provides insights into Chapel Hill’s crime data, via visualizations made using Tableau.

Tech used: Tableau Wix website builder

🔎 Click for pics Project Dashboard
SkillMatch - Website and Mobile App

A website and an Android app that enables VIT University students upload their resume, create portfolios, connect, recommend and chat with other VITians!

Tech used: PHP HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX Android Studio Java

Website Source Code App Source Code

I came up with the idea, designed the project's architecture, was responsible for integrating the software components, and led our team of 5 to a top-10 finish at an all-India 36-hour hackathon with 170+ competing teams. The project consists of a RaspberryPi system connected to a camera, triggers recording upon motion detection, performs face recognition, and sends SMS intruder alerts via the Nexmo API that include a link to the live camera stream which we had set up using FFMPEG, an open-source live streaming solution. Our team received a Rupees 100k (about 1,350 USD) grant offer from VIT University's Technology Business Incubator for the same.

Tech used: Python OpenCV Nexmo SMS API RaspberryPi


A multi-lingual QnA platform for Indian farmers made using PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap and Google Translate API. Features a sentiment Analysis Engine (uses a Naive Bayes classifier) written in Python, and a dashboard made using Chart.js that provides stats about farmers' mental health.

Tech used: Python Naive Bayes Chart.js PHP

© 2020, Aan Patel. All rights reserved